Unique Guidelines for the Best Teacher
The best teacher is the one who specializes in psychology, ethics and spirituality at the same time. The characteristics of each of these skills are deeply related to the other skills.
A good teacher is sincere with his profession.
There is a deep connection between knowledge and piety, that is why in the Holy Qur'an, the orbit of fear of God is called "knowledge" Also, it is not hidden from us that the fear of God in the heart of a teacher is as effective in his language.
3.Routine of recitation
Routine of recitation should be on daily basis. Recitation should be done at least so loud that he can hear it himself, inshaAllah he will feel the effect of this action himself.
It would be better to set aside some time for Zikrullah besides recitation. This process is very effective in reviving the heart.
5. Sense of responsibility
It is proved by observation and experience that one of the major causes of irresponsible behavior of students is the irresponsible mood of the teacher. To be a successful teacher, you need to have a sense of responsibility.
6. Good company
A good teacher is one who has a good mood, sits with good people, has a good society. According to the hadith, it should be like a perfume with which the passer-by must be at least fragrant, not like a blacksmith whose companion has to endure the heat of the furnace. Kindness and correction should be related to bad people, but not friendship.
7.Patience and endurance
Patience and perseverance are doubled in the field of education and purification. Allah has repeatedly instructed the prophets. The better a teacher is, the more successful he will be.
8. Asceticism and apathy
A good teacher is one who has an excellent degree of asceticism. If the teacher's resin is dripping on the student's property, then such a teacher does not remain in the eyes of the student. In the hadeeth which says, Put the students in place and make a practical observation, then you will realize how big a fact has been stated.
9.Strength and Trust
A good professional is one who has the attribute of strength and trust well. In the Holy Qur'an, the comment of the daughters of Hazrat Shoaib (as) should not be hidden from the minds: Art / article available. Even the most incompetent student gets a good idea of his teacher's academic ability.
10.Opert (optimistic)
A good teacher never disappoints, his example is like a fruit seller who praises the fruit in front of his customer in such a way that he is forced to take more instead of a little and if God wills it They started repeating phrases like, "Sir, there is no banana season now, its customers can't be found these days. Look at the bananas that are starting to turn black. Sad to say, the value of the knowledge we are "selling" is not even in our own hearts. That is why frustration is being passed on to the students through the teacher.
11.Moral courage
A good teacher has moral courage. Remember that moral courage is related to morality, no matter how bad things are inside you, until you get rid of them, there will be a lack of moral courage.
12. Consistency in words and deeds
A teacher who has a contradiction in words and deeds is a notorious and failed teacher.
The teacher should paint the appearance in the color of Allah as well as his inner self. According to the Shari'ah, the situation is not only a follower of the Sunnah of the Prophet, but with it you will be able to build a dignified identity.
14. Pray for the disciples
Always pray for your students. This action is the best way to increase the reward and sincerity.
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